This is absolutely, hands-down, 100% my favorite time of year. It feels like summer throughout the day and fall in the early mornings and late evenings. We are at the farm. Went to bed to the sounds of coyotes howling and woke up to a breeze coming through the trees that brings that most delightful smell of earth, and grass and trees and sun. It doesn't get any better than this.
It's funny. We call our place "the farm". But there's actually no farming of any kind that takes place out here. It was a farm - years ago, when my Uncle Earl owned it. And we'd love for it to be a farm again someday. We have really big dreams for this place. We'd love to live here full time. If only we were independently wealthy! Sigh.
Ken would grow a crop of blueberries or some other hard-to-obtain item. We'd have a big kitchen garden with tomatoes and corn and potatoes, herbs and other vegetables. I'd write for a living and have time to bake bread and make wonderful fresh organic meals. We'd both throw pottery for fun and we'd raise a whole herd of St. Bernards. (Do St. Bernards in multiples become a herd? A pack just sounds so aggressive and strong. And St. Bernards are lazy and goofy and fun loving. But mostly lazy. So I think a herd sounds about right.)
Anyway, I digress. I was thinking this morning about "the farm" and the fact that it's a farm in the same way that I am a Christian. I know what I was created to be. And I know what I am to become. But the getting there sure seems to be taking a lot of time. And this time being independently wealthy wouldn't help at all.
We are made in His likeness. I Corinthians 15:49 "And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven." Of course, this is in the context of talking about the resurrection from the dead. It comes with a promise, "If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body."
I can't wait for the day that the farm is a real farm. But it doesn't begin to compare to my eagerness for the day when I "shall see Him as He is" and I "shall be like Him." Marantha! Come Lord Jesus!
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